What to say about Bodyworlds? It was certainly a fascinating and intriguing exhibit. I had heard little about it when I saw that it was coming to Dallas. I was barely prepared for the magnitude of the displays. You have certain expectations going into an exhibit that features real human bodies. I had expected the exhibits to be locked up in glass cases and for there to be an odor about the place.
There was no such odor and the exhibits were placed right out in the open where you could get a close look (and even touch them) though no one did. The elaborate displays were unexpectedly pleasing to the eye and very tastefully done, preserving the dignity these people once felt.
Some exhibits were in glass cases, these usually consisted of internal organs displayed individually throughout the exhibit. Some organs were displayed as normal healthy organs, while others were in various stages of disease and illness. I must admit, looking at the organs with severe cancers or disease was a bit unsettling. I had to take a breather every so often, it became somewhat overwhelming.
The highlight of the adventure came when we arrived in the reproductive system displays. Various reproductive organs were proudly displayed in glass cabinets. Rob decided to bypass the feminine organs. Out of some morbid curiosity, I suppose, I ventured over to the "fruits" of femininity. While glancing into the case I noticed a young boy about the age of 11 or 12 glaring at one of the organs with a puzzled look on his face. He inched closer with increasing bewilderment. I noticed he was looking directly at the display of a woman's vagina (separated from a body, of course). He turned to his mother maintaining his confusion and said, "Mom, what is that? (pointing) An old man's ear?" The mother gently leaned down with a somewhat amused expression and whispered into her son's ear. While I couldn't hear what she said, the child's reaction confirmed my suspicions. His eyes approached the size of dinner plates and exclaimed, "EEEEWWWW!!!"
It was at that point I could contain my laughter no longer. I sped out of the room in search of Rob to share what I had just witnessed. The exhibit as a whole was fascinating, entertaining, informative, and breathtaking. I applaud those people who gave their bodies willingly to further the knowledge of humanity. I will have to admit, however, it will be a long time before I am able to refer to a woman's vagina as anything other than an old man's ear!
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